How Signs Can Be Comforting When You Need Them

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2024

I love signs—the little nudges from the universe, Source, or our spirit team that help guide us. Today, I want to share a deeply personal experience that beautifully illustrates the power of signs, intuition, and how they guide us—not always to a final destination, but sometimes just to reassure us we're on the right path.

Recently, I went through the difficult experience of saying goodbye to my beloved dog, Sadie. She was more than a pet—she was a companion who helped me build my intuitive business. Although I knew her time was near, it was a tough decision. Through my intuitive practice, I received many signs—some subtle, some profound—that comforted me and showed me I was making the right choice.

One particularly poignant moment was when Millie, our younger dog, offered Sadie her toys—a sign that seemed to say goodbye. That night, as I dealt with my grief, I noticed the energetic shift in my home, the appearance of a new guide, and an overwhelming feeling that the universe was helping me through this painful process. The next morning, six deer appeared outside our window—a rare and deeply meaningful sign of support from nature. Even the veterinarian’s spiritual tattoo and our connection through Millie’s daycare were reminders from the universe that I wasn’t alone.

This experience reinforced for me that signs are not always about giving us a definitive answer. Sometimes, they are directional, encouraging us to keep moving forward. After Sadie passed, I asked for a sign about adopting another dog. I received one, but instead of it being the "final" sign, it was a message to stay open and continue looking. Signs, like road markers, guide us along the journey, telling us we're headed the right way.

This experience deepened my trust in my intuitive process and reminded me to remain patient and open. Sometimes the signs from the universe are about direction, not destination. If you find yourself in a place of uncertainty, take a step back, listen to your intuition, and remember that signs are often there to guide you forward.

Also, if you’re unfamiliar with the GCP (Ground, Clear, Protect) practice I often mention, it's a tool I use daily to maintain energetic alignment. It’s available for free in my Top 5 Intuitive Tools Course. I encourage you to check it out if you’re looking to deepen your intuitive practice.

Wishing you peace and trust on your journey. Keep moving forward, and pay attention to the signs—they're there for you.

Click here to watch this full lesson on YouTube


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