Making Choices

Making Choices

Following in someone’s footsteps is not a requirement, it’s a matter of making choices. To clarify, many of us unconsciously make the choice. We allow status quo, habits and cultural requirements to push us forward. For example, we listened to the teacher in grade school and we obeyed our parents when we were children. These patterns, many of which are necessary in our society, can turn into adult habits. Later in life we fall easily into staying at job we hate, letting a mean friend control us, or even continuing in a negative relationship we know is bad for us. Thus we follow in the footsteps of the people who came before us, letting our lives ride down the same road.

Take a Step Back

If possible, take a step back from these situations. Take an even bigger step back from the idea that you have no choice. The pattern in your mind, telling you that you are stuck and that this is just how it has to be, is a pattern that can be changed. For some people, patterned thinking and making choices can be turned around in a day. But for most of us, it takes time and practice. So you have to be willing, however, to focus on that practice and make it a priority.

When your mind tells you that you have to stay in that job, that you aren’t good enough to do something different, or that you’ll never make it on your own so stop the thoughts. Imagine pulling the thoughts out of your mind and placing them right in front of your face and see them for what they are, because they are not real. They are patterns that someone else set into your head. You can leave that job and you can find a job you will love. Most importantly, you will be alright on your own.

Take Action

If you are tired of settling for misery, start witnessing your brain’s patterns. Catch them, pull them out of your head and identify them for what they are, untrue. The truth is you can do anything you put your mind to. There is always a solution. And your path can change. Above all, know you are amazing.

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