Sending Energy Without Permission: How to Send Love and Good Energy

Sending Energy Without Permission: How to Send Love and Good Energy

If you're listening to this series, chances are really good you're a highly compassionate individual. You love deeply and sometimes you want to be able to send good energy to somebody that you care about, someone that you love. Heck, sometimes somebody you don't even know. Today, we're going to talk about how to do that when you don't necessarily have permission. And this, like most all the other lessons, is going to be packed with information that's going to help you understand your energetic body, your energetic space, more importantly, your intuition. 

Sending Love and Good Energy without Permission

Here's the deal. I'm a mom, right out of the gate. I get this question on a deep level: How do I send love and good energy to somebody if I don't necessarily have permission? I did have someone recently ask me in the form of GCP, so I'm also going to include that now. GCP is a technique, it's a foundational intuitive technique. It's a game changer, life changer. It's free, it's easy, there's nothing you need other than the understanding and concept of it. Do it daily and it becomes a game changer. You can find how to GCP in my free course, The Top 5 Intuitive Tools (link down below).

So much so that someone in the SAGE Circle, my online community, said, "Hey, what do I do if I want to GCP one of my adult kids or GCP a friend of mine to protect them or keep them safe or help them on a journey that they're on?" And in essence, that is just an incredible space of love. What's happened for that member, they started using GCP and they started realizing, "Wow, this is a game changer and this does make everything a little bit better. So I want to do this for my adult kid or my kid or a friend." And I totally get it.

Sending Love, Good Energy, or GCP to Someone You Care About

Let's jump in here today and talk about how to send love, send energy, or GCP someone that you care about, even if you might not have permission. Because there is a special way to do it to make sure that you're not crossing any inappropriate boundaries or pushing your will on someone. Let's get to the core of this.

Understanding the Highest Good

The main reason to take an extra step in sending love or energy or doing GCP for a loved one that you care about, if you don't have permission, is because we don't know what the highest good is for them. We think we do, and this is where we've got to just get really real. Sometimes we think we know what's for the highest good of someone else. And some of us don't have this issue whatsoever.

If you love deeply, I mean, if you didn't love at all and you were completely cold, sure you could probably get really accurate information. But that's not the case, is it? The intent, the desire, the love, the fear, the worry, all of that is going to come into play, which means that your prediction, even if you do tap in, might not be accurate. Furthermore, even if it is accurate, your friend's lifetime and life path has a little bit of free will sprinkled in there. They can take a left, they can take a right, they can make a different choice between the time that you got the information and what happens to them.

This is all my way of saying we're a little bit helpless when it comes to knowing exactly what's going to happen in our friend's life and knowing exactly what that friend needs. But where we are not helpless is being able to love them deeply.

The Technique: Sending Love and Good Energy

So here's your technique when it comes to sending love to someone else, love, good energy, or even the desire to do GCP for them to protect them and make sure that they have the best experience possible. When it comes to sending that energy, it's very similar to prayer or meditation energy sent or things like this. All across the world, people are doing this in different versions when it comes to working in our spiritual path and working with guides.

I tell people, send the love and the energy to your friend's spiritual guide. Set that intent and say to their guide, "Hey, here is a boatload of love, unconditional love energy, positive light. Can you please deliver this to my friend in such a way that it affects them for their highest good and in the best outcome for them?"

Their spiritual guide, not on linear time, not in this whole body thing, they don't... They're not riddled with worry or fear because their guide knows what's coming. They know everything that's happened, everything that's going to come to be because they're not on linear time. As a result of that, if you send them the energy, they can use all of that energy for the absolute highest good of your friend in the best way. So asking the spirit guide to be kind of that middle person to say, "Hey, could you help me out a little bit? Here's all this love I want to send to my friend to make sure that their journey is enjoyable, peaceful, safe. Can you please use this?"

Now, their spiritual guide has this incredible, beautiful amount of intent and focus put on this person from another. They can use that energy to smooth or ease or open up more possibilities for your friend's travel or life experiences. So when we're not in a situation where we can ask directly, because you can call your friend up and say, "Hey, can I send you some good energy?" Sure, absolutely, and then you send it. Here's the thing, even with that intent, because you have that permission, you still have your friend's team who's going to help by using that energy in the highest way.

When we sit here and we say, "I don't need this spirit guide. I know what's best for this person, and I'm just going to send this energy because I know what's best," first off, sit with that for a little bit. Really look inward. What if somebody else did that to you and they knew it was best for you more than you knew? You're not as strong as their guides. You're not as strong as your friend's energy. You're not as strong as your friend's connection to their higher source. You're not as strong as the plan that is laid out for your friend. That's a little bit of a wasted intent, right?

I know your intent is for their highest good. I know that you want them to just thrive and be safe and be okay and still learn lessons that they need to learn here, to have their lesson experiences. And to have the ups and the downs and the good experiences and the bad experiences in the process of unfolding things and uncovering things and we want them to have those in the easiest way but still having the highs and the lows. So if we ask their guide, their team member to deliver it in the highest form to them, that's the best path we can take.


So, make sure to deliver yourself good energy. Make sure to do GCP daily. I challenge you to do this. Look for the link, check out the information. It's in the top five intuitive tools course, which is a free course (link below). It's an actual course, and it's a wonderful thing because in those five tools, all of which are designed to help you start amplifying your intuition and getting more access to it, is GCP. I challenge you to do GCP, like, once a day for a week and see what happens.

Do GCP daily, love yourself, give yourself good energy. When you want to send energy out to your friend, to a family member, to your kid, to your parent, to somebody, to the world, to strangers, send it to the higher sources. Send it to guides with the intent of it landing there in the best way possible. Lastly, always remember that the next tool is very powerful. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or not when it comes to developing your intuition. 

Watch my video on this on my YouTube Channel

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