Your SAGE Journey Map

Welcome to SAGE 💜

Spirituality, Alignment, Growth, and Empowerment

The SAGE Method Course forms the bedrock of our offerings, providing a comprehensive foundation for personal growth. Delve deeper into your spiritual journey with our 12 Specialized Course Series, tailored to fine-tune your intuition and align with your unique path. Connect with like-minded individuals from around the world by engaging in The SAGE Circle Membership, our thriving online community. Take the next step in your spiritual exploration – become a member today! Explore our overview below to discover the full range of opportunities awaiting you with SAGE!

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The SAGE Method Course

The SAGE Method Course is a 7-week intuitive development course. It is our foundational course. Includes a Certification of Completion and lifetime access. To access your SAGE Method Course login at

To purchase ~  Click this link

The SAGE Method Workbook Bundle

Accompanies the SAGE Method course as an optional purchase and is available for purchase in the United States. The Bundle includes a 125 page SAGE Method Workbook, a copy of Isabeau’s book Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium, and a handpicked stone energetically charged by Isabeau Maxwell herself! (Please visit Amazon to purchase the book outside of the U.S.)

To purchase ~ Click this link

The 12 Specialized Course Series

12 specialty courses provide you with deep intuitive tools to discover and open up different areas of your intuition that work best for you. It is recommended to complete the SAGE Method course as a strong foundation to amplify the effects of these 12 specialized courses. Once purchased, you will have lifetime access. To access your 12 Specialized Course Series login at

To purchase ~ Click this link

The SAGE Circle Online Membership

The SAGE Circle raises your energetic vibration through unconditional love, powerful meditations, card readings, and even deeper intuitive training. Join Isabeau in your first member session and many more amazing courses and uplifting sessions. The Circle is a month-to-month membership you may cancel at any time. To access your SAGE Circle Membership login at

To join ~ Click this link

SAGE Practitioner Training

SAGE Practitioner Training is a year of one-on-one training with Isabeau or another SAGE Certified teacher. This training is designed to assist you in stepping out into the world with confidence and sharply honed intuitive abilities in order to help others in the unique way you are here to help them.

Click here for more details and to apply

✨ How to best navigate your SAGE Circle Membership ✨

Scroll down for written instructions

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The 5 Main Sections of the SAGE Circle Membership

The easiest way to get started is to find the SAGE Circle components that resonate with you the most and use those to enhance your journey. Please do not get overwhelmed with how much is in the Circle. This makes the Circle stand out from all the other memberships, but it's not about doing everything in the Circle, it's about focusing on the things that create the most growth within you!

Raise your vibration, grow, find strength and happiness on your spiritual path!

Take these five steps to see what lights up your spiritual path the most 💕

Customize Your Circle Experience and Meet Others Just Like You!